I'm a PhD student and Research assistant in the School of Geosciences at the University of South Florida. I work with Dr. Sarah Kruse in the Near Surface Geophysics Research Group. My thesis is on Lava tube imaging using Ground Penetrating Radar. This work is funded by NASA and we are working with a NASA group, investigating a combination of terrestrial laser scanning, handheld XRF, and GPR in the development of a strategy for the exploration of lava tube and pit-rich environments.
I'm also working on another project as a developer in a colabration team of USF, UofT and MathWork. We are developing a software toolkit to boost introductory geophysics and geophysics instruction.
Activities and memberships:
- member of SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
- member of AGU (American Geophysical Union)
- member of GGSO (Geology Graduate Student Organization)
- member of Volcano Research Group at USF
- Active volunteer member of PASTB (Persian American Society of Tampa Bay)
- secretary of ISA (Iranian Students Association at USF)
- member of Radar Lab at USF
- member of Near Surface Geophysics Group at USF